Familiarise your child with the environment and the people, both children and adults.

Ease your child into care with shorter stays. Provide a favourite toy, blanket or comforter to support your child to help your child feel more secure (mark with your childs name or initials if possible).

If your child is unsettled, shorter visits with you helps your child to gain trust with their new environment.

Talk at home about child care, mention the names of the staff and other children, and discuss the fun things your child will be able to do at our service.

Interactions between staff and parents or staff and other children can be reassuring and establish trust in new settings.

Talk to the staff about your child – What they enjoy doing? What settles them to sleep? Which foods do they like and dislike? This helps staff to get to know your child.

Always say goodbye to your child before you leave. No matter how hard this may be, it is important for your child to know when you are leaving and when you are coming back. If you know your child will have difficulties with this ask one of our friendly educators for help.

We know how difficult this separation can be for you and your child and we will be there to help you with this transition. Don’t hesitate to phone us during the day to reassure yourself that your child is okay.